2024-25 CUSD LCAP Mid-Year Monitoring Report
2024 CUSD LCAP, Annual Review & Budget Overview for Parents - CUSD Board Approved 06/20/24 & SDCOE Approval Pending
2024 CUSD LCAP At-A-Glance
California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) includes both programmatic and fiscal accountability plans. The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a critical part of the CA Local Control Funding Formula. The plans describe the school district's overall vision for students, including annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals.
2024 LCAP Midyear Monitoring Report for the 2023-24 CUSD LCAP - Presented at 01/18/24 Board Meeting
2024 LCAP Federal Addendum - Board Approved 06/06/24 - CDE Approved
2024 LCAP Local Indicators
2023 CUSD LCAP & Budget Overview for Parents - CUSD Board Approved 06/22/23 & SDCOE Approved 08/29/23
2022 CUSD LCAP & Budget Overview for Parents - CUSD Board Approved 06/23/22 & SDCOE Approved 08/26/22
LCAP Community Forum Presentation - 02/10/22
Supplemental to the Annual Update to the 2021-22 Local Control & Accountability Plan
2021-22 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Actions & Services Mid-Year Report
2022-23 Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) At-a-Glance
2021 LCAP - Board Approved 06/17/21 & SDCOE Approved 08/20/21
LCAP COVID-19 Operations Written Report - Board Approved 06/18/20
2020-2021 Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan (LCP)
2021 CUSD ESSER III Grant Plan
2021 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
2021 UPK Planning and Implementation Grant Program Plan
Click here to access the California School Dashboard
LCAP Acronyms & Terms - Public Education & CUSD Acronyms & Terms
Previous LCAPsFINAL Board & SDCOE Approved LCAP for 2018-19FINAL Board & SDCOE Approved LCAP for 2017-18FINAL Board & SDCOE Approved LCAP for 2016-17FINAL Board & SDCOE Approved LCAP for 2015-16FINAL Board & SDCOE Approved LCAP for 2014-15
Quick Guides to Understanding the New Accountability Plans for Schools
Quick Guides to Understanding the New Accountability Plans for Schools
Take a deeper look at each of the eight state priority areas of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in our LCAP Quick Guides – helping you better understand and engage in the new Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs). These latest resources show how progress is measured, key questions to ask and links to more resources. Click here to use these great tools as you review our district’s LCAP.
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Frequently Asked Questions
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Frequently Asked Questions
In the weeks and months since the adoption of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) regulations and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) template by the State Board of Education (SBE), school districts have received a number of questions related to the LCAP. School Services of California has gathered some of these questions and answers here for our stakeholders to review.
What is Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)?
What is Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)?
LCFF stands for Local Control Funding Formula. Local – that means us! LCFF is a change in how the State of California funds school districts and the accountability structure that supports it. Basically, it is a change in how schools receive money from the state and how they will invest it with results. By doing this, the state is moving away from funding school districts as a “one size fits most” approach, to a new approach that provides extra support for students who need it most. This change is a major shift from the way public schools used to be funded, and will require some time to transition into this new funding system starting in the 2013‐14 academic year.
When does Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) start?
When does Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) start?
LCFF was approved by the California Legislature and Governor Brown in June 2013, and is effective for the 2013-14 academic year. Currently, school districts are being funded through a hybrid model of the previous model (Revenue Limit) and the new model (LCFF). This funding will be fully implemented by the 2010-2021 school year.
How long will LCFF last?
How long will LCFF last?
With LCFF being will be implemented over 8 years, the new formula will be the stand alone method for distributing state dollars to school districts.
What is different?
What is different?
Under the previous model, there were more than 40 categories of funding, each for a specific purpose identified by the State of California. The LCFF model has basically established three forms of funding, with more local discretion on determining how the funds are spent. By being able to control the funds locally, LCFF allows LAUSD to better serve our high-needs students.
What are three forms of funding under LCFF?
What are three forms of funding under LCFF?
- A Base Grant for every student.
- A Supplemental Grant for every high-needs student (focused on all English Learners, Free and Reduced Meal eligible students, and foster youth).
- A Concentration Grant for every high-needs student (focus on all English Learners, Free and Reduced Meal eligible students, and foster youth) above 55% of the district-wide enrollment.
How will Coronado Unified School District be accountable?
How will Coronado Unified School District be accountable?
Through LCFF, school districts have to tie their budgets to improvement goals by creating a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) with input from parent representatives and the community. This plan will be created by Coronado Unified School District as a whole and approved by the Board of Education every June. Parents and other stakeholder groups will be invited to participate in the development of the LCAP.
What does the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) measure?
What does the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) measure?
The LCAP is focused on eight priority areas:
- Student Achievement– improving student achievement and outcomes
- Student Engagement– improving student engagement, including attendance
- Other Student Outcomes– measuring other student outcomes, including physical education and the arts
- Parental Involvement– involving parents and guardians so the community is engaged in decision-making
- School Climate– highlighting school climate and "connectedness"
- Basic Services– providing all students with high-quality teachers, instructional materials & safe learning environments.
- Common Core– support the implementation of new, rigorous academic standards in California schools
- Course Access– ensuring every student has access to courses that prepare them for college and career
How is the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) developed?
How is the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) developed?
Districts establish local goals with the input of various stakeholders to address the eight goals listed above. In addition, districts re required to indicate the steps it will take to meet the locally designed goals in specific subgroups identified in the LCAP utilizing a state issued LCAP template.
When is the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) adopted?
When is the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) adopted?
Coronado Unified School District must adopt an LCAP at the same time it adopts the district budget, which is prior to July 1st of every year, usually at the last school board meeting in June.
What is the term of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)?
What is the term of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)?
The LCAP is a three-year plan that has to be updated annually.
How will schools be accountable?
How will schools be accountable?
Districts must develop a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) that will better align the academic plan with the district expenditure plan that is approved by the Board Trustees every June. Parents and other stakeholder groups will be invited to participate in the development of the LCAP.
What does student subgroup refer to?
What does student subgroup refer to?
This refers to the subgroups of students to be included in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). They are the following:
- Black or African American
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Filipino
- Hispanic or Latino
- Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
- White
- Two or more races
- Socioeconomically disadvantaged students
- English Learners
- Students with disabilities
- Foster youth
Where can I find more information about the CUSD budget and finances?