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Coronado Unified School District

Every Child, Every Day
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Ethnic Studies

Intro. to Ethnic Studies will focus on the experiences of African Americans, Asian Americans, Chicanas/os and Latinas/os, American Indians, and other racialized peoples and minority groups in the United States. It will span from past to present and allow students to identify social patterns and universal qualities present in all ethnic, racial, and cultural aspects of society including their own. It will help students develop a critical understanding of the world and their place in it. This reflective classroom community is a place where different perspectives can be heard and valued. 

**Course content will be guided by California History-Social Science State Standards (1998), the California History Framework (2016), and the California State Board of Education Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (2021).
Intro to Ethnic Studies
Curriculum Feedback  & Survey

Intro to Ethnic Studies
Curriculum Feedback  & Survey

Curriculum is available to review at the District Office through March 20th. After review, you can voluntarily leave feedback by scanning the QR code below or