- Departments
- Business Services
- Facilities, Operations & Maintenance
- Child Nutrition Services
- Human Resources
- Learning
- Elementary Learning
- Middle School Learning
- High School Learning
- CUSD Mathematics
- CA School Dashboard
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan
- State and Local Assessments
- English Learners
- CUSD Pandemic Response: Academic Achievement
- COVID Budget Sources/Uses Summary Chart
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan - Grades
- CUSD Approved PreK-8 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- CUSD Approved 9-12 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- Department of Defense Grants
- A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan
- California State Seal of Civic Engagement
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Educational Technology
- Ethnic Studies
- Digital Proficiency and Citizenship
- (SPSA) Single Plan for Student Achievement
- Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan (LCP)
- (LCAP) Local Control Accountability Plan
- NCUST Report
- Transitional Kindergarten Information
- (SARC) School Accountability Report Cards
- Visual and Performing Arts
- SB-359 CA Mathematics Placement Act of 2015
- What is STEAM?
- Teaching to High Potential
- Williams Complaint Form
- CASSPP Scores-Parent Access Instructions
- Elementary Report Cards-Parent Access Instructions
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
- World Languages
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- Preschool & Child Care
- Technology
- Student Services

Welcome to the Learning Department!
We oversee all aspects related to learning and teaching within the Coronado Unified School District.
The Learning Department oversees many areas in CUSD related to teaching and learning, including curriculum coordination and assessment for preschool through 12th grade (see organizational chart below). We also are the primary mechanism that ensures that the Coronado Unified School District meets and exceeds all state and federal compliance requirements. To accomplish all of this we invest heavily in strategic planning through the involvement of teachers and administration.
Most importantly, our role is to enable our staff to teach at the highest levels. To this end we work closely with principals and teachers in making sure that teachers have what they need, such as adopted state course curriculum, instructional resources, and access to professional learning. As the role of technology in the classroom expands so does the importance of our Technology Department. We work closely with them to facilitate day-to-day needs as well as special projects such as annual assessments. We act as the synchronization mechanism that enables all types of learning at the Coronado Unified School District.
Standards and Report Card Info Included
Click on the Academics Tab
Click on the Academics Tab
Learn what's new!
Do you have questions about World Languages?
Focus on Student Centered Learning

Focus on Learning is Thinking

Contact Information:
Kristen Caputo
Teacher on Special Assignment - Secondary STEM
(619) 522-8900 ex 2110
Teacher on Special Assignment - Secondary STEM
(619) 522-8900 ex 2110
Stacy Morrissey
Teacher on Special Assignment - Math/Science
(619) 522-8900 ex1097
Teacher on Special Assignment - Math/Science
(619) 522-8900 ex1097
Julie Salvatierra
Senior Administrative Assistant
(619) 522-8900 ex1014
Senior Administrative Assistant
(619) 522-8900 ex1014
Sarah Yakutis
Teacher on Special Assignment - Elementary STEM
(619)522-8900 ex1041