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World Languages
At CUSD, we have a dynamic K-12 World Languages program! At the elementary level, K-5 students receive instruction in Spanish once a week. At the middle school level, 6th graders in the wheel received one Spanish lesson a week and CMS offers Spanish 1A and 1B and upon successful completion of Spanish 1B, students can earn high school credit on their transcripts for one Term (equivalent to one year) of Spanish 1. At the high school level, we offer Spanish 1 through AP Spanish language and AP Spanish Literature, French 1 through AP French, and American Sign Language as a dual-enrollment course.
Click on the buttons below to find information about our course offerings, requirements, and various opportunities we offer students!
Here is what our students are saying about our World language program:
I am so happy that we have Spanish now because even though I speak Spanish since I was little, I was starting to forget some words, so now that we have Spanish, I can remember my Spanish. (5th grader, Silver Strand)
Moreover, our program is supported by a generous 2021 Department of Defense World Languages Grant, which expanded Spanish into the elementary years and provides support for all aspects of our program, including the expansion of learning opportunities, materials, professional development and assessment system. Here is what our teachers are saying about these expanded opportunities: *“The grant has given us [teachers] the opportunity to collaborate with our team, expand our toolboxes for teaching world languages, and given Kindergarten through fifth graders the exposure to world language in the classroom. It has been incredible to see the elementary students begin their language learning journey. The pure joy and excitement our CUSD students have gotten through learning Spanish has been remarkable to experience!”
CUSD Portrait of a Graduate:
System Portrait: Prepares Students for Global Citizenship a. CUSD is a system that develops students to become members of a global community. We celebrate diversity and actively promote multicultural awareness. CUSD provides students, across all grade levels, opportunities to explore other cultures and for students and staff to develop and deepen their cultural awareness. b. CUSD is a system that is committed to developing students who are multilingual. We provide opportunities to learn another language to all TK-12 students. We support all students (TK-12) to become multilingual and improve their multilingual skills.
For any questions, please feel free to contact our CUSD World Languages Teacher on Special Assignment, Maylén Rafuls at maylen.sullivan@coronadousd.org.