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Transitional Kindergarten Information
2022-2026 Transitional Kindergarten Eligibility
2022-2026 Transitional Kindergarten Eligibility
Decades of research demonstrate that an early and strong foundation for learning matters. The state of California is poised to realize universal prekindergarten (UPK) for all four-year-old children, and to expand services for three-year-old children through investments in the Budget Act of 2021, including universal transitional kindergarten (UTK) and expansion of the California State Preschool Program (CSPP).
In alignment to this new legislation (Assembly Bill 130), Coronado USD is excited to announce the expansion of Transitional Kindergarten (TK)! Four-year-olds whose fifth birthday occurs between September 2 and February 2, inclusive, will be able to enroll in TK beginning in the 2022-2023 school year. The graphic below represents the annual continuum of TK eligibility through the 2025-2026 school year.

The CUSD TK program offering will be:
Expanded day program: 8:10am-2:15pm (M/T/Th/F) and 8:10am-1:10pm (W).
Supplemental after school child care through Champions or opportunity to attend fee-based or state preschool may be offered to families and is dependent on enrollment.
Will parents who are seeking to enroll their four-year-old child in a program have to choose transitional kindergarten (TK) in lieu of another preschool or early learning and care program?
California Education Code (EC) Section 48000(k) provides that eligibility for transitional kindergarten (TK) does not impact eligibility for another program including the California State Preschool Program (CSPP), Head Start, as well as other subsidized programs administered by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). Thus, families whose children are eligible for TK and are also eligible for subsidized early learning and care programs will still be able to choose to send their child to those programs. Families may also continue to choose to enroll their children in private preschool programs or keep their children at home.
Start Date Implementation Schedule:
2024-2025 |
5th birthday falls between September 2, 2024 to June 2, 2025 |
2025-2026 |
5th birthday falls between September 2, 2025 to September 1, 2026 |