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AB469 FAFSA Requirements
Included with this correspondence, you will find resources on how to complete your senior’s FAFSA/CADAA form, which is required by many colleges and universities. You will also find Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the FAFSA, and a copy of the Coronado Unified School District FAFSA/CADAA opt-out form.
Please review these documents and begin to determine how you would like to proceed with this requirement for your senior. The window to complete the FAFSA form is October 1, 2022, through March 2, 2023. Students will be expected to submit the FAFSA/CADAA, or a signed opt-out form by March 3, 2023. If you submit the FAFSA/CADAA applications, no document needs to be turned in to the office. If you choose to not complete the applications, the enclosed opt-out form needs to be turned into the CHS front office to Registrar Kathy Redding.
Financial Aid Workshops:
- January 10 and 17, 2024, 11:25 am-12:05 pm: Student FAFSA/CADAA Lunch Workshops in CHS Room 202.
- January 17, 2024, at 6-7:30 pm: CHS Funding College Night & Parent and Student FAFSA/CADAA Workshop in the CHS Library. Two financial aid experts from Southwestern College will be joining us to give a financial aid presentation and then assist students and parents with completing each portion of the FAFSA/CADAA (for those who would like to stay). Please bring 2022 tax documents, social security numbers, and an electronic device (if available), and any questions you may have.
- January 20, 2024, 9 am-1 pm: Cash for College FAFSA/CADAA Individual Virtual Workshop. Click here to register:https://ucsd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpcOmuqDkrE9A8Nkvo4nPq1Gn_gPpDBsqX#/registration
Please review the following resources in preparation of completing the FAFSA/CADAA for your senior:
• Completing the FAFSA Video and Resources: https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-out
• FAFSA Process Overview: https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/fafsa-process.pdf
• CADAA Resources: https://www.csac.ca.gov/post/resources-california-dream-act-application
• FAFSA and other student aid workshops from the California Student Aid Commission can be found at https://www.cash4college.csac.ca.gov/.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this important part of your student’s senior year.
Opt-Out Form
To opt a student out of the Financial Aid Application requirement, please complete this form and return it to the Coronado High School front office to Registrar, Kathy Redding, by April 2, 2024.
Submitting a Financial Aid Application Opt-Out Form does not prohibit a pupil from completing and submitting a financial aid application at any time in the future.
AB469 Acceptable Use
Introduction and Overview
Education Code Section 51225.7, enacted in 2021, requires that each local educational agency ensure that each 12th grade pupil complete specified financial aid applications, opt-out of the requirement, or be determined exempt from the requirement. To assist in complying with Section 51225.7, certain confidential information related to pupils’ completion of those applications may be shared with Coronado Unified School District. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Coronado Unified School District , its staff and contractors, comply with state laws related to the confidentiality and privacy of information shared by parents, legal guardians, and pupils under Section 51225.7, as well as confidential information that may be shared with Coronado Unified School District by other government agencies, and to protect against the unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information provided to Coronado Unified School District. Failure to ensure the confidentiality of Confidential Information provided to Coronado Unified School District to ensure compliance with Section 51225.7 could result in a violation of state law and an invasion of parents’ and pupils’ rights to privacy in their financial and educational records.
Disclosure of Confidential Information shall be limited solely to personnel having the need and authorization to access such information. Coronado Unified School District’s employees, contractors, consultants and temporary employees having access to Coronado Unified School District’s information assets (data and systems) or to the specific Confidential Information provided to the Coronado Unified School District for purpose of Education Code Section 51225.7, shall acknowledge adherence to this policy and sign an information security and confidentiality agreement provided by Coronado Unified School District.
State Law Requirements
Coronado Unified School District designates Niamh Foley, Director of Student Services as the individual responsible for implementing this policy and ensuring compliance with its provisions. Ms. Foley shall maintain in writing Coronado Unified School District policies and procedures that support this policy, maintain a list of staff, contractors, and other individuals who have access to confidential information pursuant to this policy, and ensure all such individuals are included in Coronado Unified School District’s annual information security and privacy awareness training.
Coronado Unified School District will ensure that it handles any Confidential Information it collects for purposes of complying with Education Code Section 51225.7 in a manner consistent with the following state laws, where applicable, and with any policies and procedures Coronado Unified School District has adopted in furtherance of these laws:
- the California Information Practices Act (California Civil Code Sections 1798, et seq.):
- California’s Pupil Protections Relating to Immigration and Citizenship Status provisions (Education Code Section 234.7).
- California’s Values Act (Government Code Sections 7284, et seq.);
- California Student Online Personal Information Practice Act (Business and Professions Code Sections 22584, et seq.);
- Third Party Contracts for the digital storage, maintenance, and retrieval of student records (Education Code Section 49073.1);
Every Child, Every Day - Pupil Records (Education Code Sections 49060, et seq. and any related regulations); and
- California’s Public Records Act (Government Code Sections 6250, et seq.)
In addition to the foregoing, the following conditions apply to Coronado Unified School District’s management of Confidential Information collected or maintained by it in furtherance of the requirements of Education Code Section 51225.7:
- Coronado Unified School District will ensure that Confidential information will be maintained on a secure data infrastructure with appropriate levels of security for the data based on the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 199 protection levels. Confidential Information will not be copied to other computers and will not physically leave Coronado Unified School District’s data infrastructure. Coronado Unified School District will apply security patches and upgrades and keep virus software up-to-date on all systems on which data may be used.
- If transfer of Confidential Information to a third party is necessary, Coronado Unified School District will ensure such transfer is only made for purposes of furthering Coronado Unified School District’s obligations pursuant to Education Code Section 51225.7 and that such transfers are only made to parties covered by this acceptable use policy, or which are otherwise bound by the same requirements as this policy. In addition, any such transfer will be made in a secure manner, such as secure file transfer protocol, an encrypted cloud-based solution, or an encrypted hard drive.
- The Coronado Unified School District shall not disclose of any Confidential Information in Coronado Unified School District ’s possession pursuant to fulfilling its obligations under Education Code Section 51225.7 if the disclosure is not authorized by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or applicable state laws.
- The Coronado Unified School District shall not disclose Confidential Information to third parties not covered by this acceptable use policy without the written consent of the pupil, or a parent or guardian when the pupil is a minor. Written consent shall include: (1) the signature and date of the parent, guardian, or eligible pupil providing consent; (2) a description of the records to be disclosed; (3) the reason for release of information; (4) the parties or class of parties receiving the information; and (5) if requested by the parents, guardians or eligible pupil, a copy of the records to be released. The Coronado Unified School District shall permanently keep the consent notice with the pupil record file. If a pupil, parent, or guardian chooses not to provide information that could assist Coronado Unified School District in meeting its obligations pursuant to Education Code Section 51225.7, Coronado Unified School District shall not use such actions as a basis to discriminate against any pupils or families or bar children from enrolling or attending school or discipline the pupil in any fashion.
Definition of Key Terms
“FAFSA” means the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. “CADAA” means the California Dream Act Application. “FAFSA/CADAA Completion Requirements” means the requirements contained in Education Code Section 51225.7 that local educational agencies ensure that each 12th grade pupil either (1) complete a FAFSA or CADAA application; (2) opt out of the completion requirement; or (3) is otherwise exempt from the requirement. “Confidential Information” means any information shared by parents, legal guardians, and pupils to assist Coronado Unified School District in complying with Education Section 51225.7, as well as information related to a pupil’s FAFSA or CADAA status that is provided to Coronado Unified School District by the California Student Aid Commission, California Department of Education, or other entity; and any similar information created by Coronado Unified School District related to its compliance with Education Code Section 51225.7