- Departments
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- Child Nutrition Services
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- Learning
- Elementary Learning
- Middle School Learning
- High School Learning
- CUSD Mathematics
- CA School Dashboard
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan
- State and Local Assessments
- English Learners
- CUSD Pandemic Response: Academic Achievement
- COVID Budget Sources/Uses Summary Chart
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan - Grades
- CUSD Approved PreK-8 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- CUSD Approved 9-12 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- Department of Defense Grants
- A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan
- California State Seal of Civic Engagement
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Educational Technology
- Ethnic Studies
- Digital Proficiency and Citizenship
- (SPSA) Single Plan for Student Achievement
- Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan (LCP)
- (LCAP) Local Control Accountability Plan
- NCUST Report
- Transitional Kindergarten Information
- (SARC) School Accountability Report Cards
- Visual and Performing Arts
- SB-359 CA Mathematics Placement Act of 2015
- What is STEAM?
- Teaching to High Potential
- Williams Complaint Form
- CASSPP Scores-Parent Access Instructions
- Elementary Report Cards-Parent Access Instructions
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
- World Languages
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- Preschool & Child Care
- Technology
- Student Services
Per the California Department of Education, Equity is "Fair outcomes, treatment, and opportunities for all students." This is the definition implemented by the Staff within Coronado Unified School District.

The Coronado Unified School District and its Governing Board believe that supporting the diversity that exists among the district's community of students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members is integral to the district's vision, mission, and goals. Addressing the needs of every child, every day requires recognition of the inherent value of diversity, equity, and inclusion and an acknowledgment that achieving educational excellence requires a commitment to equity in the opportunities provided to students and the resulting outcomes. (BP 0415)
We believe that in order for every child to be successful, CUSD must create conditions where all members of our school community feel safe, valued, and respected while in our care.
Like all California public schools, the Coronado Unified School District follows the relevant governing authorities' accountability systems and initiatives. CUSD is measured via the California School Dashboard. Academic achievement and positive school climate for all students are the focus of our district and our state.
CUSD 2022-23, CA Local Control Accountability Plan Goal #3
Support: Maintain safe and supportive schools where students and staff thrive
LCAP pg. 58
“This goal is directly aligned to the work we are doing and the feedback we are receiving from our educational partners related to MTSS, equity, access, inclusive school climates, and prioritizing the social/emotional/mental health of students and staff.”
LCAP Action 3.3 pg. 65 Multi-Tiered System of Supports
#5 “Professional learning opportunities for teachers and related staff on creating inclusive experiences such as Universal Design for Learning and MTSS supports.”LCAP Action 3.7 pg. 68 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
“Build capacity of staff to address issues of equity, diversity and inclusion and implement strategies at each site. Build capacity by ensuring that site MTSS committee members regularly inform and provide professional learning for the rest of their site staff.LCFF state priorities addressed by this goal are basic services (conditions of learning), student engagement (engagement), and school climate (engagement)
CUSD 2022-23 Long Range Plan
3.0 Support: Maintain safe and supportive schools, with appropriate resources, practices, and procedures, where students and staff thrive.
Strengthen programs and expand resources that support the physical and emotional health of CUSD staff and students.
Click on the photo in the left column, or the link in the description to be taken away from the CUSD page to resources.