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- Child Nutrition Services
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- Middle School Learning
- High School Learning
- CUSD Mathematics
- CA School Dashboard
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan
- State and Local Assessments
- English Learners
- CUSD Pandemic Response: Academic Achievement
- COVID Budget Sources/Uses Summary Chart
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan - Grades
- CUSD Approved PreK-8 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- CUSD Approved 9-12 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- Department of Defense Grants
- A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan
- California State Seal of Civic Engagement
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
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- (SPSA) Single Plan for Student Achievement
- Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan (LCP)
- (LCAP) Local Control Accountability Plan
- NCUST Report
- Transitional Kindergarten Information
- (SARC) School Accountability Report Cards
- Visual and Performing Arts
- SB-359 CA Mathematics Placement Act of 2015
- What is STEAM?
- Teaching to High Potential
- Williams Complaint Form
- CASSPP Scores-Parent Access Instructions
- Elementary Report Cards-Parent Access Instructions
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
- World Languages
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- Preschool & Child Care
- Technology
- Student Services
Health Services

CUSD Student Health Services
The Coronado Unified School District Department of Health Services strives to provide accessible, quality health and nursing care for all students.
The health and safety of every student is our top priority and we create an environment where a child’s needs are understood and provided for. We coordinate with the family of students and our on-campus health faculty to address the unique needs of each student. The result is a safe and encouraging space where the child can feel safe and comfortable learning.
While we certainly give out our fair share of ice packs, bandages, and hugs, we are also prepared to take care of a whole host of serious medical needs. Under the direction of the District Nurse, our school nurses and health technicians provide many services to both staff and students. These services include but are not limited to:
- Communicable disease control
- Student assessment as requested
- Hearing, vision, and scoliosis screenings
- Resource for staff wellness
- Interpretation and explanation of medical diagnoses and treatments
- Find medical resources for students with health needs
- First aid
Contact Us
Please contact your student’s school health office for additional information or our District Nurse,
Joellen Semo, Joellen.Semo@coronadousd.net, for specific questions.
Coronado High School Health Office
Coronado Middle School Health Office
Kris Collins BSN, RN
619-522-8921 x3094
Kris Collins BSN, RN
619-522-8921 x3094
Silver Strand Elementary Health Office
Heather Springfield, Health Technician
619-522-8934 x4093
Heather Springfield, Health Technician
619-522-8934 x4093