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Adult Transition Program

Program Overview
Program Overview
CUSD provides an Adult Transition Program for young adults with disabilities aged 18-22 years of age. Eligibility is determined by the IEP team. The program provides training and instruction to facilitate the transition from public school into appropriate adult programs and supported work placements.
The emphasis within the transition program is to work toward a level of independence for each student. This is based upon the level of their disability, and needs the areas of living, working, and community involvement. Young adults in the program will be encouraged to make choices, participate in work experiences, interact with others in the community and strengthen their confidence level and social skills.
The program is located in the CUSD District Office and allows for opportunities for students to regularly interface with office staff when they are not in the community or at a job site.
The program provides support in the transition domains listed below. The daily schedule of the program may include work experience, college classes, P.E., grocery shopping, eating out, and a variety of other activities.
Adult Transition Domains
Adult Transition Domains
Independent Living
Public transportation skill development. Daily living skills training. Develop a personal budget or money-management system. Develop the skills to establish and maintain a checking account. Independent or supported apartment living. Practice the organizational skills needed to keep a weekly schedule of appointment.
Public transportation skill development. Daily living skills training. Develop a personal budget or money-management system. Develop the skills to establish and maintain a checking account. Independent or supported apartment living. Practice the organizational skills needed to keep a weekly schedule of appointment.
Job development, on-the-job-training, post secondary training, job coaching and job follow-along, paid employment. Training in work related skills necessary for job retention.
Job development, on-the-job-training, post secondary training, job coaching and job follow-along, paid employment. Training in work related skills necessary for job retention.
Recreation and Leisure
Explore community recreation centers. Plan and set up activities with peers, participate in recreation activities of their own choosing.
Explore community recreation centers. Plan and set up activities with peers, participate in recreation activities of their own choosing.
Social and Interpersonal Skills:
Participate in group activities, explore community resources for social connections and practice social skills at the workplace.
Participate in group activities, explore community resources for social connections and practice social skills at the workplace.
Community Connections
Connect students with an adult agency which will continue job support after the student leaves public education on or before age 22.
Access community resources for social and recreation activities.
Volunteer in the community.
Connect with student support services at community college or other educational agencies.
Connect students with an adult agency which will continue job support after the student leaves public education on or before age 22.
Access community resources for social and recreation activities.
Volunteer in the community.
Connect with student support services at community college or other educational agencies.
Contact Information
Contact Information
Interesting in partnering with the Adult Transition Program or have questions? Please contact us!
Katie Leontieff
Transition Educational Specialist
201 Sixth Street
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 522-8900 ex. 1101
Transition Educational Specialist
201 Sixth Street
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 522-8900 ex. 1101