- Departments
- Business Services
- Facilities, Operations & Maintenance
- Child Nutrition Services
- Human Resources
- Learning
- Elementary Learning
- Middle School Learning
- High School Learning
- CUSD Mathematics
- CA School Dashboard
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan
- State and Local Assessments
- English Learners
- CUSD Pandemic Response: Academic Achievement
- COVID Budget Sources/Uses Summary Chart
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan - Grades
- CUSD Approved PreK-8 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- CUSD Approved 9-12 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- Department of Defense Grants
- A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan
- California State Seal of Civic Engagement
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Educational Technology
- Ethnic Studies
- Digital Proficiency and Citizenship
- (SPSA) Single Plan for Student Achievement
- Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan (LCP)
- (LCAP) Local Control Accountability Plan
- NCUST Report
- Transitional Kindergarten Information
- (SARC) School Accountability Report Cards
- Visual and Performing Arts
- SB-359 CA Mathematics Placement Act of 2015
- What is STEAM?
- Teaching to High Potential
- Williams Complaint Form
- CASSPP Scores-Parent Access Instructions
- Elementary Report Cards-Parent Access Instructions
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
- World Languages
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- Preschool & Child Care
- Technology
- Student Services
Transition Education Resources
Interagency Links
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation http://www.rehab.cahwnet.gov/
Governor’s Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities
One Stop Career Centers http://www.edd.ca.gov/jobs_and_training/pubs/osfile.pdf
Office of Disability Employment Policy http://www.dol.gov/odep/
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation http://www2.ed.gov/osers
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition http://www.ncset.org
Department of Labor http://www.dol.gov
Social Security http://www.ssa.gov
Do you have a Student with an IEP attending Coronado High School? Check the PowerSchool (formerly Haiku) webpage for the most up to date information about the program. Click HERE to access PowerSchool (formerly Haiku).