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Transition Education and WorkAbility Program

Special Education Transition Education and WorkAbility Program
The Coronado Unified School District provides valuable vocational training to students currently enrolled in our High School and Adult Transition program. Through transition services and the Adult Transition Program, CUSD offers students training through vocational assessments, career awareness and exploration, pre-employment skills training and hands-on work site experience. Transition Services and the Transition Program are not synonymous. Read below for additional information on each of these areas.
Transition Services
Transition Services
Transition services are a set of coordinated activities to assist a student's movement from school to post-school activities. These services are designed to help your child adjust to life after he or she is no longer eligible for school-related services. The law requires that transition services be provided to all students with disabilities, beginning at sixteen (16) years of age or younger, if appropriate. When appropriate, the IEP team will plan and oversee the implementation of these transition services.
The law also requires that coordinated activities for transition include instruction, community experiences, and the development of employment and other post-school living skills. If services in any of the previously listed areas are not needed by your child, your child's IEP must state so and why. The coordinated activities for transition must be based on your child's individual needs and take into account his or her preferences and interests. If appropriate, the coordinated activities may also include the acquisition of daily living skills and/or functional vocational evaluation.
If transition services are going to be discussed at an IEP meeting, the notice of the IEP meeting will include the following information:
- indicate that the meeting will discuss transition services;
- indicate that the student will be invited; and
- identify any agency representatives that the school invited if applicable
What is WorkAbility?
What is WorkAbility?
The WorkAbility I (WAI) grant programs provide comprehensive training in work, employment placement and follow-up for high school and transition students in special education who are making the transition from school to work, independent living and post-secondary education or training. The WAI program is funded and administered by the California Department of Education and offers special education students the opportunity to complete their secondary education while also obtaining marketable job skills for success in the modern labor market.
CUSD WorkAbility Website
Adult Transition Program
Adult Transition Program
The Adult Transition Program combines educational services through the classroom and community based experiences to help students, ages 18 through 22, with various developmental disabilities, learn the skills necessary for a more productive Independent Life. As part of the emphasis on integrated, community-based instruction, the transition program utilizes, public transportation, businesses, and community resources to provide appropriate training in meaningful environments for students.
Click HERE to visit CUSD's Adult Transition Program page.
Contact Information
Contact Information
Kathryn Leontieff
Adult Transition Program, Educational Specialist
201 Sixth Street
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 522-8907 ex. 2604
Adult Transition Program, Educational Specialist
201 Sixth Street
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 522-8907 ex. 2604
Kristen Ereno
WorkAbility Coordinator
WorkAbility Coordinator
650 D Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 522-8907 ext. 2101
Arden Gillbert
WorkAbility Coach
650 D Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 522-8907 ex. 2140