- Departments
- Business Services
- Facilities, Operations & Maintenance
- Child Nutrition Services
- Human Resources
- Learning
- Elementary Learning
- Middle School Learning
- High School Learning
- CUSD Mathematics
- CA School Dashboard
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan
- State and Local Assessments
- English Learners
- CUSD Pandemic Response: Academic Achievement
- COVID Budget Sources/Uses Summary Chart
- CUSD Distance Learning Plan - Grades
- CUSD Approved PreK-8 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- CUSD Approved 9-12 Textbooks & Instructional Materials
- Department of Defense Grants
- A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan
- California State Seal of Civic Engagement
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Educational Technology
- Ethnic Studies
- Digital Proficiency and Citizenship
- (SPSA) Single Plan for Student Achievement
- Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan (LCP)
- (LCAP) Local Control Accountability Plan
- NCUST Report
- Transitional Kindergarten Information
- (SARC) School Accountability Report Cards
- Visual and Performing Arts
- SB-359 CA Mathematics Placement Act of 2015
- What is STEAM?
- Teaching to High Potential
- Williams Complaint Form
- CASSPP Scores-Parent Access Instructions
- Elementary Report Cards-Parent Access Instructions
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
- World Languages
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- Preschool & Child Care
- Technology
- Student Services
Leanne Anderson
Administrative Assistant
Student Services
(619) 522-8900 x1038
Administrative Assistant
Student Services
(619) 522-8900 x1038
Ryan Keller
Special Education Coordinator
Special Education Coordinator
Bianca Varela
Coronado High School
School Psychologist
(619) 522-8907 x 1035
Coronado High School
School Psychologist
(619) 522-8907 x 1035
Adam Sayre
Silver Strand/
Coronado Middle School
School Psychologist
(619) 522-8921 x3084
Silver Strand/
Coronado Middle School
School Psychologist
(619) 522-8921 x3084
Sherry Vargas
Village Elementary School
School Psychologist
(619) 522-8915 ex. 5094
Village Elementary School
School Psychologist
(619) 522-8915 ex. 5094
Special Education
The Coronado Unified School District is committed to the success of all of our students. A collaborative effort is required between parents, support staff, and educators in order to facilitate the independence and success of each student.
CUSD’s Special Education Department offers a continuum of services to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. We promote inclusion by providing these services in the least restrictive environment (LRE), which means to the greatest extent possible, appropriate services are provided in the general education environment.
New CUSD Students with an active IEP
New CUSD Students with an active IEP
For students with an active IEP (ages 3-22) enrolling in the Coronado Unified School District for the first time, please contact the school site. Prior to enrollment, you will need to provide a copy of your student's current IEP and assessment information to the front office and school psychologist who supports that campus.
Michael Leone (Village Elementary School)
Adam Sayre (Coronado Middle School)
Krystle Stadler (Silver Strand Elementary School)
Bianca Varela (Coronado High School and Adult Transition)
Bianca Varela (Coronado High School and Adult Transition)
If you have additional questions that cannot be answered by the school site or our school psychologists, or if you need support over the summer, please contact our Student Services Department, via email Leanne.Anderson@coronadousd.net.
Parent and Program Resources
Parent and Program Resources

Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Find out more information about the organization by clicking HERE.

Fall games are played every Saturday, from September through November, at Coronado Green Field. If you are interested in more information, please contact Jennifer Hughes at Jennifer@miracleleagueofsandiego.org or visit www.miracleleagueofsandiego.org. Please come out and support the teams!
Special Education Questions?
Special Education Questions?
For answers to specific questions related to special education programs, parents are encouraged to contact their school administration or the Student Services office at (619) 522-8900 ex 1038.