- Parents & Students
- CUSD Student Calendar 2025-26
- CUSD Student Calendar 2026-27
- CUSD Student Calendar 2024-25
- Online Registration for 2024-25
- CUSD Student Schedule 2024-25
- CUSD Grading Period Calendar 2024-25
- Annual Notification of Parents' Rights 2024-25
- Discipline Action Guide 2024-25
- Acceptable Technology Use Policy 2024-25
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- Homework Policy for All Schools
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- Interdistrict Transfers
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- New to the District?
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- Joint Field Use Agreement Between CUSD and City
Online Registration for 2021-2022 School Year
Step 1: Register Online - Register Now!
Step 2: Attend a Registration Completion Day in August & Provide Required Documentation
- Review & Complete Required, Site-Specific & Additional Forms (CLICK HERE FOR ALL FORMS)
- Attend a Registration Completion Day & Provide all Required Documentation (DATES LISTED BELOW)
Registration Completion Dates:
New Students: In addition to online registration, in-person registration is REQUIRED for all new students by appointment only. Links are provided below to schedule an appointment. Please complete online registration prior to scheduling an appointment.
Returning Students: Registration is not complete until online registration has been completed AND verification of residency documents have been submitted to the registrar at your child's school site in August. See returning student registration dates for each site below.
Coronado High School:
New Students:
Beginning August 2, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Appointments are no longer available, please call 619-522-8912 or email kredding@coronadousd.net for registration information.
Returning Students:
August 16, 8:00-11:30am - Last Name: A-K
August 17, 8:00-11:30am - Last Name: L-Z
August 20, 8:00-11:30am - Make-up day
Coronado Middle School:
New Students:
- August 5-12, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Appointments are no longer available, please call 619-522-8921 ext. 3096, for registration information.
Returning Students:
- August 18, 8:00-11:30am & 12:30-3:00pm - Last Name: A-K
- August 19, 8:00-11:30am & 12:30-3:00pm - Last Name: L-Z
Silver Strand Elementary School:
New Students:
- August 16-18 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Appointments are no longer available, please call 619-522-8934 ext. 4097, for registration information.
- August 18, 8:00-11:30am & 12:30-3:00pm - Last Name: A-K
- August 19, 8:00-11:30am & 12:30-3:00pm - Last Name: L-Z
Village Elementary School:
New Students:
- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Appointments are no longer available, please call 619-522-8915 ext. 5096, for registration information.
Returning Students:
August 18, 8:00-11:30am & 12:30-3:00pm - Last Name: A-K
August 19, 8:00-11:30am & 12:30-3:00pm - Last Name: L-Z
New CUSD Students with an Active IEP
For students with an active IEP (ages 3-22) enrolling in the Coronado Unified School District for the first time, please contact the school site. Prior to enrollment, you will need to provide a copy of your student's current IEP and assessment information to the school psychologist at that campus.
Adam.Sayre@coronadousd.net (Silver Strand Elementary School and Coronado Middle School)
Sharareh.Vargas@coronadousd.net (Crown Preschool and Village Elementary School)
Denise.Garibay@coronadousd.net (Coronado High School and Adult Transition)
Sharareh.Vargas@coronadousd.net (Crown Preschool and Village Elementary School)
Denise.Garibay@coronadousd.net (Coronado High School and Adult Transition)
If you have additional questions that cannot be answered by the school site or our school psychologists, please contact our Student Services Department, Leanne.Anderson@coronadousd.net; 619-522-8900 ex.1032.
Need Assistance? Click here for school contact information
Helpful Tutorial Videos for families new to CUSD:
- Handout for parents to help with logging into each system: http://bit.ly/CUSDparentlogin
- Handout for students to help with logging into each system: http://bit.ly/CUSDstudentslogin
Make sure to use Firefox or Chrome web browsers when registering online!
NOTE: Internet Explorer, Safari, or registering on a cell phone are likely to cause problems registering online.