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Coronado Unified School District

Every Child, Every Day
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Labor Negotiations

CUSD recognizes that negotiations can be confusing, with contradicting information available. We believe that all stakeholders should have access to accurate, timely, and complete information. This page will provide regular updates on any negotiations activity, facts and answers to frequently asked questions about the collective bargaining process and publicly shared information. 
Negotiations Update / Coronado Teacher's Association (ACT)

Negotiations Update / Coronado Teacher's Association (ACT)

July 29, 2024

July 15, 2024

Regretfully, ACT and the District have been unable to reach an agreement regarding a salary increase. 

ACT has not moved from their 10% increase position. The District has offered up to 6.07% (in addition to a Step and Column increase), if certain conditions are agreed to. 

In fact, the District found a way to afford a 3% raise in which 89% of teachers would benefit by eliminating the continuation of certain timecard activity (supervisory and teaching during prep were not part of the timecard restriction). Without any concession from ACT the District is unable to fund a pay increase without cutting student programs.

The process is now at an impasse and a Mediation session is scheduled for this Thursday, July 18.  We are hopeful that we will have a productive session.
For information and complete details of the last (June 24) negotiating session and the process going forward, please read the most recent update (slides 1-7 of the FAQ slideshow) below.

June 4, 2024

May 28, 2024

Unfortunately, negotiations between the district and ACT have stalled and ACT rejected a 6.07% pay raise. The district negotiating team found creative ways to fund a salary increase without cutting student programs, and still live responsibly within our current budget reality.
May 28, 2024 Negotiations Update

April 16, 2024

April 16, 2024

Negotiations Update

We value and respect every member of our school community and entered into labor negotiations with ACT on March 18, 2024 with the expectation that the respect will be shared with our colleagues at the bargaining table. We also know that negotiations can be confusing, particularly for those not at the bargaining table, and that contradicting or select information without context may be presented. We are committed to providing transparent, timely and accurate updates regarding the process, the timeline, the budget, and any other matters related to items being negotiated. We are also committed to responding to questions that our constituents may have regarding negotiations. As such, we have created and will regularly update the Labor Negotiations page, with a link to submit questions, on the CUSD website. 

This year’s negotiations are unique for a variety of reasons. School districts across the state are grappling with a bleak long term budget outlook, but unlike others, CUSD has reason for hope. We have been working and planning toward a locally funded Basic Aid future (with an anticipated $10-$12 million budget increase in SY 2027-28), and now we find ourselves near the finish line. Unfortunately the State came up unexpectedly and significantly short of its projected budget (which directly affected our ‘Bridge to Basic Aid’ budget plan). As a result, our Long Range Plan objective of strategically spending down our reserve to prioritize programs for students, by no fault of our own, has been compromised. 

We have spent years building the district and programs we want in place when we reach Basic Aid. There will be money for staff and programs at that time, but until then we will not compromise the pathways and programs we have built for our students. 

The most recent proposals given to CUSD from ACT (outlined in the Proposal Updates document and totalling over $2.5 million in increased, ongoing costs - their initial proposal was in excess of $5 million) would necessitate the dismantling of programs and the elimination of many positions/people, which would negatively alter our school community and our mission to educate students. 

CUSD remains fully committed to our Long Range Plan and the Guiding Principles within it.

Again, we would like to reiterate that our current financial situation is a direct result of the State’s decrease in COLA and a sustained decline in enrollment. This coming year’s COLA is estimated to be approximately 0.82% . That minimal cost of living adjustment is intended to cover all the costs incurred by schools associated with educating children. It includes but is not limited to employee compensation, employee benefits, instructional materials, utility costs, and supplemental services. 

LINK to more COLA information for this year and the last two years.

It should also be noted that CUSD Certificated staff with anywhere between 1-30 years of service, receive automatic salary increases according to Step & Column as teachers move across and down the pay schedule. Annual step increase amounts range from 0.2% up to 6.72%, with the median of a 2.5% raise (link to chart). Our initial proposal to ACT, ‘A Step for All’ addresses the valued staff who may be entering Step 31 or higher. That, along with 0.82% increase to the salary schedule ensures that every ACT member will get a pay raise next year regardless of negotiations. 

While the district cannot negotiate more than three years out, there is a steadfast and stated commitment to delivering a deserved pay raise in a fiscally responsible manner upon reaching Basic Aid, or sooner, as State funding allows. 

We understand that school budgeting can be confusing, and that there may be conflicting information shared. We have shared document links where appropriate and will continue to be available to answer any questions. Our “Just Ask” form is still open and we welcome any questions. We will use the questions to continue to update our FAQ document. All materials and updates related to bargaining will be posted on the Labor Negotiations page on our website. 

  • Ask Us Anything (link)
  • Labor Negotiations (link)

Outside of budget issues, CUSD proposed a change to the school calendar. CUSD has determined that a calendar that is more aligned to neighboring districts, and allows for the end of Term 1 prior to winter break, is in the best interest of students’ academic achievement and mental wellness. Though there were no changes to the number of workdays for teachers, these remain at 186, with six workdays for professional learning, grading, and preparation, ACT was unwilling to look at changing the calendar for this year or changing their contract to have the teacher calendar mirror the instructional calendar created by the district in the best interest of students.

We will continue to update our community throughout the negotiations process. Stay informed through our detailed updates from each bargaining session by reading the link (here) for an update of our sessions to date (3/18, 3/26, 4/12). 

January 18, 2024

At the January 18, 2024, Governing Board Meeting, the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) presented Initial Proposals for Negotiations to the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT) for the 2023-2026 Successor Contract. 

December 14, 2023

At the December 14, 2023, Governing Board Meeting, the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT) presented Initial Proposals for Negotiations to the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) for the 2023-2026 Successor Contract. 
Negotiations Update / CA School Employee Association (CSEA)

Negotiations Update / CA School Employee Association (CSEA)

June 7, 2024

The District Negotiations Team and our Classified Union (CSEA) met on Friday, June 7th for our third negotiation session.  Good progress was made, and we have tentative agreements on Article 17, Promotional Interview Procedures, including a new Appendix A-2 that outlines the classifications of positions that would be considered promotional, and Appendix A-1, Classifications and Ranges. The two teams have been collaborating on leave language and are close to an agreement on that article (Article 10).  The CSEA Negotiations team presented a proposal on increasing vacation time for all members in the last negotiation session and the District Team countered this session.  For their salary proposal, the CSEA Team had proposed an MOU for the same stipend the teachers received in the 2023-2024 school year at the first negotiation session and proposed an “Equity Clause” in the last session. This would provide classified staff with the same increase as certificated staff.  Because the salary proposal the District made to the Certificated Bargaining Unit is tied to both COLA and a limited ability to timecard, the District does not feel it can give CSEA an equity clause.  In this bargaining session, the District team proposed that the money that would be paid in the stipend would be added to the salary schedule in addition to COLA.  We are scheduling an additional session soon after the school year ends.

June 8, 2023

At the June 8, 2023, Governing Board Meeting, the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) presented Initial Proposals for Negotiations to the California School Employee's Association (CSEA) for the 2023-2026 Successor Contract. 
Coronado Unified School District, its administration and Governing Board, believe that all members of the CUSD school community are valued and respected. The district understands the value of maintaining a qualified and dedicated staff in support of the success of our students, and are committed to the recruitment and retention of highly qualified members on our team.  
By law, the district is required to receive a positive budget certification from the San Diego County Office of Education. As part of that requirement, during negotiations the district must account for the next three years when negotiating financial obligations.
Three significant factors have impacted CUSD’s current projected budget deficit of $2.3 million; declining enrollment, the end of one time Covid funds, and projected funding shortfalls from the state.